Unbelievable, for me it feels like we have launched this website just a few weeks ago, but it`s a whole year of uptime already. I think this might be the right moment to share some community stats, along with some plans for next year.
Plans for 2016:
- Implementation of a “Polling System”
- Improving the Email Templates
- More News Streams
- More Directory entries
- Refining onsite usability
- Server upgrade from php5.3 to php5.5
- Serve static files from a subdomain
- Performance tweaks
- Awesome secret things
- Members onsite: 124 people
- Members offsite: 600+ people
- Written posts: 85 posts
- Directory count: 46 companies
- Media partnerships: 4 events
- APIs to other sites: 25 interfaces
- User activity: 825 posts

Celebrate with us - LabAutomation`s Birthday
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