The new Accuracy Calibration Certificate from METTLER TOLEDO:
Mettler Toledo shows of a briefcase full of money
The new Accuracy Calibration Certificate from METTLER TOLEDO:
Recently, I had written several posts across my own blog and LinkedIn on the topic of consulting charges to service laboratory software. Artur had asked that I post some of these in this blog and I would like to begin by giving the links to the two LinkedIn posts, which are probably fairly complete, between the two:
Understanding Laboratory Software Services Charges
Understanding Laboratory Software Services Markups and Subcontracting
Customers don’t necessarily have the inside view of how the process of obtaining services resources works. Because of this, they don’t necessarily have expectations that match the resources they’ll receive or the situation that will be created for them.
For example, customers sometimes believe that, if all resources are sent by a single source that they’ll be managed by that source and work together as a team. That is not necessarily the case. In fact, many of the companies are merely recruiting companies that pull in many resources – they aren’t necessarily going to do more than find and send the resources. There is nothing wrong with this model. Some customers manage their own projects and resources and don’t need outside assistance. However, some customers believe they’re passing all their projects, including the management of resources, along to the source that is obtaining the resources and this isn’t necessarily true.
Additionally, with resources being subcontracted at so many levels, there isn’t necessarily a consistency or community within the resources that is created by doing this.
Some customers have taken the stance that they will only accept resources from those companies that can supply the project with actual employees of the consulting company – that no subcontracting is allowed. This might work in some cases but not in others. Where the resources are of a consistent quality, are properly managed and have the desired skills, this situation can work for the customer. However, there are many cases where that is not the case, as well. The customer doesn’t necessarily know that they’ll get a better situation by doing this, either.
In the end, consulting has gotten more complicated just as anything else has. Customers who believe that certification, one-stop-shopping or any other “let’s make this easy for you” plan will make their project successful are usually in for a surprise and not a good one.
If you’re reading this and are unhappy with your services, there is probably an underlying reason for it. Many of you reading this have absolutely no control over this. Rather than remain frustrated, try to understand it’s not going to get any better and just let it go – just do your own best to get done what you need to get done and try not to dwell on it. For those reading who do have control over it, don’t complain about it – do something to make it better or just live with it.
Gloria Metrick
GeoMetrick Enterprises
Out on a LIMS®: The Blog for People Who Risk Life and LIMS on a Daily Basis
Laboratory Software Services Charges
There is a company called Dynamic Devices which advertises their liquid handling robots as the most advanced pipetting technology in the market today. I had the chance to see one of the robots in action and I was impressed by its technology (and the emergency stop button of course)! The so-called "Lynx" is a new milestone in liquid handling because liquid classes are dismissed in its technology. You can pipette all kinds of liquids "on the fly". No teaching, no settings or definitions according to the company"s statement. The build in flow-meter takes care of the volumetrical verification at every aspiration or dispense step. The electronics and mechanics of the machine are stored in the cover of the Lynx so you can access the robot from every angle.
Dynamic Devices is a group driven by hands-on experience through all levels of its staff & management. With day to day interaction with its customer base, Dynamic Devices has set out and realized some of the most aggressive goals in designing, manufacturing and delivering a liquid handling robotic platform. With the revolutionary and award winning implementation of Volume Verified Pipetting (VVP) technology, it is now possible to directly measure and report liquid entering and leaving the tip volumetrically; with the implementation of linear motor drives, motion control systems and vision systems from the semiconductor industry, it is now possible for a platform to have absolute positioning; with our past knowledge of liquid handling platforms, a fourth generation workstation is now released to the market, the Lynx Liquid Handling Robotic Platform.
Say no more... Go and see yourself: